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(Also known as a TAM® Card)
An Alcohol Awareness Card is valid for four years from the date of issue.
Take our online course and get yours today!
The law states that you must have a valid Alcohol Education Card issued by a certified school. Our school is certified by the Nevada Commission On Postsecondary Education for Alcohol Beverage Certification and in compliance with NRS 369.600 – 369.635.
In Clark County, it is also required for anyone who sells alcohol, such as Convenience Store Clerks and Grocery Store Cashiers.
Alcohol Education Services, LLC can also help you with:
Riverside Hotel & Casino on Mondays at 1650 S Casino Dr, Laughlin, NV 89029
We offer testing every Monday from 9am - 1pm at the Riverside Hotel & Casino in Laughlin, unless it's a holiday and then we will be here on Tuesday for that week only.
Please call AES directly with any questions: 702 253 7821
Alcohol Awareness Certification Training is required in Nevada Counties (Clark and Washoe County) with a population of 700,000 or more. Effective July 1, 2007, NRS 369.630 requires owners or operators of liquor establishments (i.e., hotels, bars, casinos, clubs, restaurants, grocery or convenience stores) who hire or employ persons (i.e., cocktail servers, bartenders, food servers, waiters, waitresses, cashiers, clerks, stock handlers) that sell or serve alcohol, alcoholic beverages, or act as a security guard at such establishments to ensure such persons complete a State certified Alcohol Beverage Awareness program and hold a valid Alcohol Education Card. As a condition of employment, many businesses require that certain jobs or positions also attend an Alcohol Awareness Beverage Awareness Training program and carry an Alcohol Education Card. For example: several companies including hotels, casinos, and clubs require Executives, Managers, Valet Attendants, and others to attend the class and obtain their Alcohol Education Card. You should always check with your employer before getting your card or renewing as you may be eligible for a corporate discount through certain providers. An establishment is defined as a business that sells alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises and businesses that sell alcoholic beverages in corked or sealed containers or receptacles for consumption off the premises. These provisions do not apply to a Nevada Licensed Wholesale Dealer, or a private club, or other facility which is not open to the public. An establishment who violates provisions pertaining to Alcohol Awareness Training is subject to an administrative fine ranging from $500.00 to $5000.00. To remain in good standing with your employer and to help them avoid unnecessary fines, be sure to keep up on your training and renew your Alcohol Education Card every four years, as required by Nevada state law.
No, you are NOT Required to get a TAM® card.
The certification card is also sometimes referred to as the TAM® card, Alcohol card, Alcohol Certification card, Alcohol Awareness card or Alcohol Drink card, however the law actually requires that businesses in Nevada have their employees certified in Alcohol Awareness Training. View the NRS Statue here.
Getting your alcohol awareness card is quick and easy! Take the AES Card online course and then stop by our office to take a quick 10-minute exam and receive your card. The fee for the card is only $20.00. Our office is located at 6625 S Valley View Blvd, Suite 104, Las Vegas, NV 89118 (near W Sunset Rd and S Valley View Blvd).
No. State regulations require that every 4 years you must re-take the entire certification course and Proctored Exam to obtain a new valid card.
Yes! Alcohol Educational Services, LLC is a Nevada State-certified Alcohol Beverage Awareness Program approved by the Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education and meets employment requirements for alcohol awareness training. Your card will be accepted at any Nevada establishment or position that requires an Alcohol Awareness Certification Card.
To get a replacement alcohol card, please contact us. The fee for a replacement card is $10.00 and will be available for picked up at the office.
Yes! AES can come on-site and provide the training to all employees any day and time of the week that is convenient for your team. Alternatively, employees can take the online course on their own time and we will come out and do the testing at your location!
Please contact us with your training requirements or if you have any additional questions.
No, you can be as young as 16 and take the class.
Yes, absolutely. You will get the same content by taking the online course, you just learn at your own pace. The State of Nevada does require you to pass an exam with a score of at least 75% at a proctored location. So, you will have to come to the office to take a short exam and be issued your card.
Approximately 2-2.5 hours, depending on the pace of the student. Our course is comprehension based with True/False, Multiple Choice questions for review at the end of each chapter.
Yes, once you register for our course there is the option to take the course in Spanish.
Sí, una vez que te registras en nuestro curso hay la opción de tomar el curso en Españo.
Your AES® Alcohol Awareness card will be valid for 4 years. When it is time to renew, simply take the online or classroom course again to receive a new card.
Give us a call (702) 253-7821 or E-mail us ( and we can reset your password. Please remember that passwords are case sensitive.
You will need to show a valid form of identification (any state driver’s license, state or military ID, passport, alien registration card, etc.) before you can take the final exam.
The Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education requires an in-person, proctored exam. Therefore, we cannot offer the exam online at this time.
Yes. Your voucher must show AES of Nevada, AES, LLC. or Alcohol Educational Services, LLC as the provider. Please contact our office at (702) 253-7821 for special instructions regarding vouchers.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover Card. Customers may also pay cash in our office.
For any other questions that we have not covered, please feel free to contact us at (702) 253-7821
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